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Manm Komite yo

Harriet Alfano

Assistant Principal, Barnum Wood Elementary School

Lorin Bocian


Felicia Colavito

Goals for Glio

Nicole Favard


Dr. Gabriella Franza

Nordrene Henry

Ms. Nordrene Henry, Co-Founder and Treasurer of Tru Outreach, Inc., has over twenty-eight years of successful healthcare administration experience. Nordrene’s professionalism, coupled with her ability to analyze data and resolve complex problems, elevated her to leadership positions very early in her career. Throughout Nordrene’s career, she has been consistently recognized for her outstanding performance.

April McCarthy

Hempstead Prevention Coalition (HPC) Program Coordinator

Jim Mendonis

Jim Mendonis is the Director of Social Studies and 21st Century Learning for the East Meadow School District.

Donna Nogid

Madam Nogid se Chèf Estaf Kevin Thomas, Senatè Eta New York

Assistant Director of Instructional Programs

Tracey Edwards

NAACP, Long Island Regional Director


Nicholas Giampetruzzi se yon Konseye Sante Mantal nan klinik ki gen lisans, yon konseye nasyonal sètifye ak yon konseye lekòl.  Li te resevwa Mèt li nan Lekòl ak Konsèy Sante Mantal nan Long Island University e li te vin tounen yon pratikan klinik ki gen lisans pandan l t ap fè konsèy sikolojik ak travay an gwoup nan Promoting Specialized Care and Health/Northern Lights PROS, yon pwogram tretman konplè Biwo Sante Mantal Eta Eta New York. klinik.  Anvan li te retounen nan lekòl gradye, Nicholas te travay nan sektè prive a pandan sèt ane, epi answit pandan nèf ane nan Hunter College kote li te travay nan kapasite Konseye Elèv ak Manadjè Pwogram pou twa sibvansyon - pwogram ki finanse, youn nan edikasyon siperyè ak misyon fòmasyon elèv bakaloreya ki pa reprezante e ki pa sèvi yo pou karyè nan sèvis piblik, ak de pwogram patenarya NYSED-CUNY ki vize retansyon ak reyisit akademik elèv ki defavorize ekonomikman ak ki an risk.  Nicholas se yon Konseye Sikolojik Elèv ak Espesyalis CUNY LEADS nan CUNY, kanpis lakay ou – Kingsborough Community College, ak Konferansye Adjwen nan Hunter College.  Misyon LEADS, se ede elèv ki andikape, ki an risk yo devlope objektif akademik, karyè ak objektif lavi reyalis pou yo ka ale nan karyè pwodiktif apre etid yo fini. Nicholas travay ak elèv yo nan yon pèspektiv holistic ak fòs ki baze sou ak itilize yon apwòch eklèktism konsèy miltidimansyon pou asire rezilta optimal ak siksè pou chak elèv endividyèlman.


Warren se kounye a yon etidyan Ph.D nan 4yèm ane nan Adelphi University ak Asistan klinik Pwofesè ak Direktè Edikasyon Field nan Stony Brook University's School of Social Welfare. Li se yon Travayè Sosyal Klinik ki gen Lisans Eta Nouyòk (LCSW), Konseye pou Abi Alkòl ak Sibstans (CASAC) Eta Nouyòk e li gen plis pase 15 ane eksperyans nan adiksyon, jistis kriminèl/jivenil, byennèt timoun, ak travay sosyal legal. Warren te aktif nan Asosyasyon Nasyonal Travayè Sosyal yo, Asosyasyon pou Tribinal Fanmi ak Konsilyatè epi li chita nan konsèy Asosyasyon Edikatè Travay Sosyal Eta New York ak Darnice's Place, yon sèvis kowòdone san bi likratif ki baze nan Washngton, DC.

Amelia Garcia

Mrs. Garcia is a Principal in the East Meadow School district and has 16 years of experience in education in different capacities. Mrs. Garcia started her career with the New York City Department of Education as a teacher, staff developer, and administrator.

Robert Goldman, J.D., Psy.D

Dr. Robert Goldman is a licensed psychologist and attorney with over 18 years of experience in combining law and psychology. Upon beginning his law practice, Dr. Goldman was appointed to the Law Guardian Panel which inspired him to receive his Doctorate in School & Community Psychology from Hofstra University in order to help children.

Janet Goldstein

Kari-Lee Grant, PhD

Kari-Lee Grant, PhD is the President and CEO of Center for Research and Equitable Development LLC. She has a Doctor of Philosophy, specializing in Educational Leadership, from Concordia University Chicago and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Leadership and Administration from The College of Saint Rose. She has a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics: TESOL (major) with a Secondary Education minor from Queens College, CUNY. She has New York State Certifications as a Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages, School Attendance Teacher, School Building Leader, and School District Leader. Dr. Grant also obtained a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate from the University of South Florida Muma College of Business.

Melody Schiller

Lucía Seda-Pérez se yon etidyan PhD nan Depatman Literati Konparatif nan CUNY Graduate Center. Yon gradye  nan Brown University ak NYU, Lucía te anseye angle ak ekriti kreyatif nan James Madison High School nan Brooklyn, New York. Kounye a li se yon titè ekriti nan Pwogram Opòtinite NYU a ak yon enstriktè ekri premye ane nan Baruch College. Travay jounalis li te parèt nan Latin America News Dispatch, Journal of Political Inquiry, New York Transatlantic, ak Refinery29.


Lucía Seda-Pérez se yon etidyan PhD nan Depatman Literati Konparatif nan CUNY Graduate Center. Li te gradye nan Brown University ak NYU, Lucía te anseye angle ak ekriti kreyatif nan James Madison High School nan Brooklyn, New York. Kounye a li se yon titè ekriti nan Pwogram Opòtinite NYU a ak yon enstriktè ekri premye ane nan Baruch College. Travay jounalis li te parèt nan Latin America News Dispatch, Journal of Political Inquiry, New York Transatlantic, ak Refinery29.

Christina Senatore, M.S.d, L.M.H.C.

Christina M. Senatore, M.S. Ed., L.M.H.C. is the Director of Outreach and Educational Services. In conjunction with Tru Outreach, Ms. Senatore is committed to addressing and ameliorating early childhood trauma with individuals and families in underserved and disadvantaged communities.


Doktè Smith se Direktè Gid nan East Meadow School District. Li se yon diplome nan Concordia University kote li te fè yon doktora ak Long Island University kote li te touche Masters li nan Konsèy Lekòl. Doktè Smith te kòmanse karyè li kòm yon konseye lekòl e li gen plis pase 10 ane eksperyans nan konsèy. Li renmen travay ak elèv yo ak fanmi yo pou ede yo nan vwayaj yo nan siksè apre segondè.

Dr. Joylette Williams

Joylette Williams is a Professor of English at Nassau Community College-SUNY. She is
the Coordinator for the Center for Arts & Humanities and also holds dual appointments in the
Women and Gender Studies and Human Rights Studies interdisciplinary programs. Dr. Williams
is also a former Trustee of the Village of Hempstead and currently serves on the School Board
for the Hempstead School District. In addition to her commitment to education, Dr. Williams is
also invested in the financial growth and economic development of the community she serves.
She actively serves on the IDA Board for the Town of Hempstead, the Village’s Chamber of
Commerce Executive Board, and the Board of Hempstead Community Land Trust. In addition to
numerous professional organizations, Dr. Williams is also a member of the Lion’s Club, the
Hempstead Chapter of the NAACP, the local chapter of AARP, the National Coalition of 100
Black Women, and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. She is a proud, long time resident of Hempstead
Village where she resides with her daughter, Reina Samuels.

©2020 pa Opòtinite Ekonomik. Fyète kreye ak

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