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Kad sou Divèsite, Ekite, ak Enklizyon nan
Lekòl Nouyòk yo: Yon Apèl pou Aksyon - Draft

Edikatè EM vle plis liv ki reflete divèsite (East Meadow Herald 4/14/21)

Plan pou divès kalite kontni, sous, opinyon

Deklarasyon ERASE Racism sou divèsite nan lekòl yo

Òganizasyon pou Ekite

Deklarasyon ERASE Racism sou divèsite nan lekòl yo

Tanpri sipòte Bill A6204 
Egzije distri eskolè yo nonmen yon OFISYE CHEF DIVERSITE

Kat etap enpòtan sou wout ekite rasyal la

LI Bezwen Plis Pwofesè Lekòl Minorite

Mizajou ER: Anbasadè, Lidè Elèv, ak plis ankò!

Poukisa kenbe verite a nan men elèv yo tèlman atiran politikman?

Pouswit ekite nan edikasyon

Diversity and Inclusion:
A Better Tomorrow for Our Children

The Best for Kids Requires Staff Diversity

Happy Team Posing

Obsèvans 19 jen kòm Jounen Emansipasyon Afriken Ameriken

*Please note, Ms. Elaine Gross is now retired and the current President of Erase Racism is Ms. Laura Harding

©2020 pa Opòtinite Ekonomik. Fyète kreye ak

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